FAR OUT… Part 2!

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Among Friends Part 2: Across the Foam


Cat Sparks, author of Dark Harvest and Lotus Blue

Among Friends Part 2: Across the Foam… As Matthew and Valentina take refuge in the future, as Nixon launches a bloody civil war, as the limit of death is defeated, the stakes are raised ever-higher… Inspired by New Wave fiction and cinematic dystopias, Among Friends revels in mind-blowing causal paradoxes as it surfs the quantum foam fizzing between realities. Written and designed by Andrew Frost, 97 pages, colour/b&w. Bonus content!

“A fascinating exploration of science fiction and modified AI generated comic book artwork […] Among Friends plays classic SF tropes through a wryly observant perhaps even quasi-autobiographical lens. Pulp forms twist and turn, references shift like the time traveller’s memories, […] a sensibility that plays through the kind of literary other-history realities imagined by PK Dick and Alan Moore…”

Jack Sargeant, author of Against Control and Deathtripping


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